Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gearing up for Ecrin

Here is a preview of the body of work that I am preparing for Ecrin (www.ecrinexhibition.com) this summer. Only a few weeks left! I very pleased to have been invited to be a part of this exposition. Stay tuned for pictures of the installation in the Great Hall of Jersey's, Victoria College.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Knit and Crochet

Here are some pieces I've recently completed. Exploring mutability and relationships using fibers is of interest to me right now. I enjoy the therapeutic and contemplative aspects of knitting and crocheting. Beyond that, their ability to recontextualize my work is worth exploring. Transformation, as it relates to our culture, our bodies, and our objects, has been on my mind a lot lately. I'm very curious about the effects of transformation, and wonder what constant transformation means to our society.

"The sexual body has now been assigned a kind of artificial fate. This fate is transsexuality...of playing with the commutability of the signs of sex...on lack of differentiation between the sexual poles."
Jean Baudrillard, "Transsexuality" The Transparency of Evil, 1990.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pods at Play

I took advantage of the beautiful day here in Portland to go on an adventure with my pods. This quote (in addition to the sunshine) inspired my outing:

"Queers use space and time in ways that challenge conventional logics of development, maturity, adulthood, and responsibility."
Delany, 1999 quoted in "In a Queer Time and Place" by Judith Halberstam, 2005.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

BFA Thesis Show

Here are images from my BFA Thesis Show back in May. Thanks to Dana Damewood for photographing my work.